Our lab visited the Neapolis Gymnasium School in Limassol (Γυμνάσιο Νεάπολης Λεμεσού) on 13/04/2022 to talk about Online Social Networks and their risks to minor users.
Our lab member, Pantelitsa Leonidou, gave a talk to the students of the 1st grade about the online risks they may experience and advised them on how to detect/avoid/handle problematic incidents. Later on, the students had the chance to learn about cybersafety tools, how the tools can help them stay safe online, and get to know the tools developed by our team, the “Cybersafety Family Advice Suite”(CFAS).

At the end of the discussion about Cybersafety for minor users, the students had the chance to participate individually in the user experience evaluation of our CFAS tools and have a hands-on experience with the latest technology in cybersafety.
This activity is funded by the Cybersafety (https://cybersafety.cy/en/) and Concordia (https://www.concordia-h2020.eu/) EU projects.

We want to thank the teachers and the school principal for their help and collaboration to organise the visit. Special thanks to Mrs. Evangelia Evangelou for her contribution and dedicated time to this event! Especially, we want to thank our young friends who were enthusiastic and interested to learn the most out of our short cybersafety course!