TV & Radio Appearances


Tv Appearances


Philenews Vodcast EP14 – Μιχάλης Σιρηβιανός from BlackLemon.Tv on Vimeo.



Radio Appearances

April, 15/04/2020 
Dr. Sirivianos discussed pseudoscientifc disinformation concerning alleged harmful effects of 5G with Dr. Giorgos Pavlidis on Listen here:


January, 29/01/2020
Dr. Michael Sirivianos was interviewed by Kanali6 radio. He talked about disinformation campaigns surrounding the alleged harmful effects of 5G and other types of RF radiation. Listen here: Audio

October, 29/10/2019
Dr. Michael Sirivianos was interviewed by Active Radio. He talked to Andri Daniel about the results of the ENCASE project. Listen here:

January, 14/1/2019
Dr. Michael Sirivianos was interviewed by Manolis Kalatzis of the Plus TV channel in Cyprus, for “Επίκαιρα” on Monday 14/1/2019. Dr. Sirivianos discussed fake news and state-sponsored disinformation campaigns. Part 1 , Part 2

January, 11/1/2019
Dr. Michael Sirivianos from the Cyprus University of Technology was interviewed by Astra Radio in Cyprus, for “Επικαιρότητα αλλιώς” on Friday 11/1/2019. Dr. Sirivianos talked about fake news and hate speech over the Web. Listen here :

May, 15/05/2017
Dr. Michael Sirivianos from the Cyprus University of Technology was interviewed by the Politis Radio with Katerina Eliadi on ENCASE and fake news show. More information can be found here: