Our team visited Konstantinoupoleos Gymnasium on February 1, 2024, to talk with the 2nd-grade students about Online Social Networks and how to stay safe online.
Pantelitsa Leonidou, our team member, shared insights on online risks and gave practical tips on how to handle them.
Nearly 80 students participated in the seminar!
We introduced the students to the “Cybersafety Family Advice Suite” (CFAS) tools developed by our team.
Nineteen students participated in the user experience evaluation of our cybersafety tools, CFAS.
This initiative is made possible by CYberSafety (https://cybersafety.cy/). We took the opportunity to promote CYberSafety’s objectives, helpline, and hotline 1480.
A big thank you to the teachers and the school principal for their collaboration in organizing this visit. Special thanks to Mrs. Elena Iasonos for her valuable contribution and dedicated time to this event!
We thank our young friends for their enthusiasm and interest in our short cyber safety course!