ReCRED: From Real-world Identities to Privacy-Preserving and Attribute-based CREDentials for Device-centric Access Control. H2020 Digital Security-Access Control. Total project funding: 4,997K Euro. Funding for CUT: 525K Euro; Principal Investigator and Technical Manager of the consortium, 2015-2018.
ENCASE: ENhancing seCurity and privAcy in the Social wEb: a user-centered approach for the protection of minors. H2020 Marie Curie RISE. Total project funding: 2,160K Euro. Funding for CUT: 638K Euro; Coordinator of the consortium, 2016-2020.
NOTRE: Network for sOcial compuTing ResEarch. H2020 Twinning. Total project funding: 1M Euro. Funding for CUT: 450K Euro; Fundingfor EECEI: 50K; co- Principal Investigator, 2016-2019.
INCOGNITO: IdnNtity verifiCatiOn with privacy-preservinG credeNtIals for anonymous access To Online
services. H2020 Marie Curie RISE. Total project funding: 1,173K Euro. Funding for CUT: 375,250K Euro; RIF complementary funding: 14K; Scientific Coordinator of the consortium, 2019-2023.
SECONDO: a Security ECONomics service platform for smart security investments and cyber insurance
pricing in the beyonD 2020 netwOrking era. H2020 Marie Curie RISE. Total project funding: 1,600K Euro. Funding for CUT: 267,750K Euro; RIF complementary funding: 12K; Principal Investigator, 2019-2023.
CONCORDIA: Cyber security cOmpeteNCe fOr Research anD InnovAtion. H2020 CYBERSECURITY. Total project funding: 15,998K Euro. Funding for CUT: 256K Euro; RIF complementary funding: 12,8K; Principal Investigator, 2019-2023.
Cybersafety II : CEF CYBERSAFETY II Telecom Safer Internet. Total project funding: 494,86K Euro. Funding for CUT: 49,94K Euro; Principal Investigator, 2018-2020.
Cybersafety III: CEF CYBERSAFETY III Telecom Safer Internet. Total project funding: 382,453K Euro. Funding for CUT: 31,468K Euro; Principal Investigator, 2021-2022.
AERAS: A cybEr range tRaining platform for medicAl organisations and systems Security. H2020 Marie Curie RISE. Total project funding: 1435,2K Euro. Funding for CUT: 345K Euro; Principal Investigator, 2020-2024.
Cybersafety IV: Cypriot Safer Internet Center - CYberSafety. DIGITAL-2021-TRUST-01. Total project funding: 1,119K Euro. Funding for CUT: 50K Euro; Principal Investigator, 2022-2024.
MedDMO: Mediterranean Digital Media Observatory. DIGITAL-2021-TRUST-01. Total project funding: 1,500K Euro. Funding for CUT: 158K Euro; Principal Investigator, 2022-2025.
Cybersafety V: Cypriot Safer Internet Center - CYberSafety. DIGITAL-2023-DEPLOY-04-NETWORK-OF-SICs. Total project funding: 977.370K Euro. Funding for CUT: 50K Euro; Principal Investigator, 2024-2026.
FCC-State: Increase public awareness of disinformation targeting Cyprus, through the training of a dedicated fact checking unit, the publication of fact-checks, and a series of seminars to train key stakeholders. US State Department, Global Engagement Center. Total project funding: 67K Euro. Funding for CUT: 67K Euro; Principal Investigator, 2024-2025.